Brian Park Ph. D.
- Location:University of Virginia
- Position:Tenured/Full Professor
- Focus:Smart Cities
Brian Park Ph. D.
If I were to capture the essence of my work in a newspaper headline, I’d say…
“My research develops and implements technology solutions to improve efficiency and safety of surface transportation system.”
“B. Brian Park is a professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Department of Systems and Information Engineering at the University of Virginia. Before joining the University of Virginia, he was a Research Fellow at the National Institute of Statistical Sciences and a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at North Carolina State University. Dr. Park received his B.S. and M.S. from Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, and his Ph.D. from Texas A&M University.
Dr. Park is a recipient of the 2014 George N. Saridis Best Transactions Paper Award for Outstanding Research, the PTV America Best Paper Award, the Outstanding Reviewer Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Jack H. Dillard Outstanding Paper Award from the Virginia Transportation Research Council, and the Charley V. Wootan Award (for the best Ph.D. dissertation) from the Council of University Transportation Centers. He is an ASCE ExCEEd teaching fellow.
He is an Associate Editor of the American Society of Civil Engineers Journal of Transportation Engineering, the Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, and the KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, and an editorial board member of the International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. Furthermore, he is a member of the TRB (a division of the National Academies) Traffic Simulation Committee and the past chair of the Traffic Signal Systems Committee Simulation Subcommittee. He also chaired the Advanced Technologies Committee of the ASCE Transportation and Development Institute.”