Milos Manic Ph. D.
- Location:Virginia Commonwealth University
- Position:Tenured/Full Professor
- Focus:AI Assurance/Deep Learning
Milos Manic Ph. D.
If I were to capture the essence of my work in a newspaper headline, I’d say…
“AI and machine learning in anomaly detection of mission critical systems.“
Dr. Manic is a Professor with the Computer Science Department and Director of VCU Cybersecurity Center at Virginia Commonwealth University. He completed over 50 research grants in AI/ML in cyber and energy and intelligent controls. He authored over 200 refereed articles, has given over 50 invited talks around the world, authored over 200 refereed articles in international journals, books, and conferences, holds several U.S. patents and has won 2018 R&D 100 Award for Autonomic Intelligent Cyber Sensor (AICS), one of top 100 science and technology worldwide innovations in 2018, and is recipient of the 2023 FBI DCLA Director’s Community Leadership Award for innovative research in AI & cybersecurity.
He is an inductee of US National Academy of Inventors (senior class of 2023, member class of 2019), and a Fellow of Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (specialty in AI & Cybersecurity). He holds Joint Appointment with Idaho National laboratory.
He is an IEEE IES President (2024-2025), after serving in multiple IES officer positions, IEEE Fellow (for contributions to machine learning based cybersecurity in critical infrastructures), recipient of IEEE IES 2019 Anthony J. Hornfeck Service Award, 2012 J. David Irwin Early Career Award, 2017 IEM Best Paper Award, associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Open Journal of Industrial Electronics Society, and IEEE IES Senior Life AdCom member. He served as AE of Trans. on Industrial Electronics, was a founding chair of IEEE IES Technical Committee on Resilience and Security in Industry, and was a General Chair of IEEE ICIT 2023, IEEE IECON 2018 (record breaking, over 1,100 participants), IEEE HSI 2019.